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Risk Management Brochure


Combine our Risk Management solution with other WorkPoint solutions for systematic risk assessment across your organisation and avoid unnecessary delays, unforeseen expenses, and miscommunication


With all kinds of business related projects there is a certain level of risk involved. These risks can occur from a vast array of starting points, such as injuries, illness, and environmental damage, to asset damage, financial set-backs, supply chain issues, and so much more. Nevertheless, most of these will cause delays which often translate into increased financial expenditure. 


Combining our Risk Management solution with for example our Project Management solution, will enable you to systemise risk assessment across your organisation, whether it'll be on activities level, projects, departments, or the organisation as a whole. With this system, you'll be able to work systematically with identifying, assessing, controlling, and evaluating risks, threats, and opportunities. 


In this brochure, you'll find information on some of the unique features in our Risk Management solution, such as: 

  • Integrates easily with other WorkPoint solutions. 
  • Use your solution to identify and assess the rating, frequency, and likelihood of potential risks. 
  • Create matrix and reports based on identified risks in your organisation.
  • Assign internal and external users to specific risks to include their knowledge in the risk assessment process. 
  • And much, much more. 


Download our WorkPoint Risk Management Brochure here