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How A WorkPoint Partnership Benefits Biztek


Biztek is a WorkPoint Partner dedicated to delivering digital transformation for organizations across central Norway. It specializes in digitizing small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in multiple industries, from agriculture to construction.

Biztek’s cloud-based ‘Digital Workplace’ solution is built around two things: user needs, and Microsoft 365. It provides complete, secure, and scalable administration for users and devices. The challenge? How to increase value for customers, and create a new revenue stream for Biztek. That’s where a WorkPoint partnership came in.

– Daniel Kåven, Senior Consultant at Biztek

Backstory to the partnership

The partnership between Biztek and WorkPoint was pure serendipity. A Biztek client asked the company to help them implement a WorkPoint solution, and the next thing I knew I was being asked to do the tech part. At the time, I wasn’t even aware of what WorkPoint did. But that soon changed!

Within 25 hours of training time, I was hooked on WorkPoint 365. What I liked most about it was how it fitted into what I’d been doing for the last 5 years – business development. That’s because WorkPoint 365 enables organizations to better structure data, improve business processes, automate workflows, comply with ISO standardization, and – in the brave new world of Copilots – become AI-ready. 

It’s a golden partnership – in all aspects.

- Daniel Kåven, Senior Consultant at Biztek

Changing a familiar Outlook

Here at Biztek, we don’t change companies – we help companies to change. And that’s an important difference. We make recommendations based on our findings, our understanding, and our experience of best practices. 

Many Biztek clients are used to working with files inside Outlook. With WorkPoint 365, Outlook users can retrieve files from their project management system and add them to emails. It’s easy to find information about clients and projects without switching screens or minimizing apps. Put simply, if they don’t want to leave Outlook, they don’t have to. 

With WorkPoint 365, work can take place in one Microsoft environment, and new documents and communication – such as emails – can be saved directly into a project. The amazing thing is that once it’s set up, people don’t even need to be in WorkPoint 365 itself – they can use WorkPoint Express within Microsoft 365 to retrieve and add information to the WorkPoint framework. Alternatively, people can choose to work inside WorkPoint, and connect their favorite Microsoft apps like Teams. 

The Biztek approach

Unclear processes are a major barrier to efficiency. We help companies improve their processes, digitize them, and digitally transform. Often the conversation starts with how a process is carried out today, and how it could be streamlined in the future by removing all unnecessary tasks. 

For example, one of our clients had a 7-page document detailing their manual processes. So I split it up into action points. For instance, gathering information, registering a customer in the system, and so on. With the process described in this way, it was then possible to identify what could be automated. Which steps could be done automatically – without human intervention? Which steps still required manual input? 

With WorkPoint 365, automations – like sending an email to prompt an action – are simple to set up, making it easy to remove repetitive tasks from the workflow. Different automated and manual activity is mapped out so that a workflow happens the way an organization wants it to, and not predefined by the software itself. That could be an approval process, a document summary, or adding a file to a specific folder.

That 7-page document soon became a 10-point process list inside WorkPoint 365. And with a few simple automations, part of that process could be put on autopilot. The process was tested – step by step – and we iterated to refine it further, adding automations, and streamlining processes. Continuous improvement to achieve efficiencies. 

The value of being a WorkPoint Partner

As a technical specialist, having WorkPoint as a partner is amazing. Support is always at hand, and just one phone call away. When my technical knowledge isn’t enough, I can count on WorkPoint.

- Daniel Kåven, Senior Consultant at Biztek

At Biztek, we help organizations to take full advantage of digital tools like WorkPoint 365. After all, just giving someone a hammer doesn’t make them a carpenter. 

WorkPoint 365 adds value for our clients because it enables them to define each step of a project, and what’s required in order to reach the next step. What we do is build it into the process for them, automating where possible.

WorkPoint has been an industry leader for over 20 years. It knows what it does, and it does it well. With WorkPoint, the support side is great. We have regular meetings and a named tech lead who we can contact directly as and when needed. 

Let’s be clear about one thing – WorkPoint didn’t reinvent the wheel, it created a valuable improvement to SharePoint because it has hugely beneficial features and automations on top of all the great tools that come with Microsoft 365.    

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