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Team Danmark & WorkPoint 365

A GDPR-compliant solution for easy archiving and information retrieval.


Implementation of a GDPR-compliant WorkPoint 365 Case Management solution built on top of Microsoft 365 for Team Danmark. An institution well-known for supporting the development of Danish athletes by providing them with the best possible framework to fulfil their potential and perform at the highest international level. 

At Team Danmark, they experienced increased difficulties managing all types of data; from a range of documents and information, to contracts and case files, all while keeping records and making sure the Public has access to information they are obliged to keep public, and still remain GDPR-compliant. 


Numerous stakeholders

There are many partners, contacts and stakeholders to consider and support in the daily work at Team Danmark. Athletes, coaches, sport federations, physicians, talent development programmers in municipalities, commercial and financial partners, international sports organisations, politicians and last but not least the Public and media. All of these stakeholders need to be supported and informed following specific processes and timelines, creating a lot of data, information and documentation that need to be journalised and correctly archived.


Public interest and requests 

With high profile athletes, and a semi-public funded organisation, public interest is inevitable and must be met accordingly. Some years ago a case where public access was required, revealed the huge challenge of finding the relevant case files, contracts and documentation when they were actually needed. 


Erik Markussen, IT-Administrator with Team Danmark explains

A once-and-for-all decision was needed to change former procedures of having data stored on various servers, in individual filling systems and even archiving in local mail boxes.

- Erik Markussen, IT-Administrator

Business challenge 

Team Danmark urgently needed a GDPR-compliant system for easy archiving as well as information retrieval. 

The challenges were many and their main requests for a new IT system were:

  • How do we manage documents and emails across cases that might run over a four-year Olympic period? 
  • How do we work easily and automate the journaling process? 
  • How can we quickly find and provide the Public with access to documents and information whenever necessary?
  • How do we ensure compliance at all times? 


The solution

Case Management in WorkPoint 365 with WorkPoint Express for easy journaling

A case management solution was created and customised to fit the business needs and workflows of Team Danmark. WorkPoint Express, a plugin for Microsoft 365 for emails and documents was also implemented to support the automatic journaling and archiving of documents directly into the system, removing a lot of manual processes and freeing up time to focus on core tasks instead. 

We looked at various systems but found the logic of WorkPoint atop SharePoint was a great way of capitalizing on existing IT investments.

- Erik Markussen, IT-Administrator

Outcome and benefits

We now have a system customised to our needs and set up with complete governance. With templates at hand, it is easy to set up a case and attach the relevant stakeholders in-house and externally.

- Erik Markussen, IT-Administrator

Automatic journaling

Everything is built using Microsoft tools, and the total integration through the Express plugin and automatic journaling and archiving make it easy for all types of employees to archive meeting summaries, contracts, treatment records, agreements etc. correctly. 


Easy retrieval of information 

Team Danmark can instantly retrieve files and cases whenever needed and asked for by various stakeholders. 


Complete overview of all journals 

With WorkPoint’s advanced search tool and meta-tagging, employees can quickly find a specific case and the corresponding history. Also, they can gain a complete overview of their ongoing cases, while Management has the option to look across all ongoing work in the entire organisation. 


All data stored in SharePoint

Erik Markussen is very satisfied with their WorkPoint solution and concludes, 

We have gotten a very user-friendly solution as well as a technically great solution with the integration to SharePoint. From an IT- and security perspective I am very happy with the fact that we are in total control of our data, as everything is saved in WorkPoint and stored safely in Microsoft.

- Erik Markussen, IT-Administrator

WorkPoint Case Management

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