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Verdo & WorkPoint 365

Utility company Verdo has district heating delivery under control with efficient case management and GIS location.


Verdo’s district heating distribution department is responsible for the extensive pipework that has to ensure that heating is transported from the power plant to the customers. Here, Fredrik Bentsen, is responsible for all IT, including pipeline registration and auxiliary systems around the pipe system. Now, everything is under tight control with a WorkPoint Case Management solution implemented by certified partner, Simplitize

We need to be able to store all information about the pipework at a customer. We enter into long-term relationships with our customers, so we need to know everything about each individual case. It’s also important for legal and financial reasons that we have a historical record, if, for example, damage or other unforeseen events occur.

- Fredrik Bentsen, Verdo

Record-keeping and archiving made simple

Today, all data can be linked to the individual case, which is also an address somewhere in the Randers local area. Whether it involves images, emails, agreements or different kinds of specifications, it’s easy for employees to keep records.


The system is excellent. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do, and everything is now in our case management solution. It's taken a while to get people to use it, as we are going through a major digital transformation here at Verdo. This change demands a great deal from the people who work with it.

- Fredrik Bentsen, Verdo

Cutting-edge technology

Changes seem to be characteristic of Verdo, which in recent years has increased both its customer base and level of activity. The speed at which day-to-day tasks are performed has increased, and the IT systems have to keep up.

We’re in the process of splitting our systems into atoms and reassembling them so that everything talks to each other. WorkPoint gives us the flexibility and is good at integrating. We’re looking ahead and have great expectations. The potential is huge. Among other things, we’ll be automating many of our business processes, and it’s just great to have something that's so cutting edge. We get all the new features from Microsoft free of charge, because we have a WorkPoint solution.

- Fredrik Bentsen, Verdo

WorkPoint Case Management

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